教科研成果: 主持或参加教科研项目: 1.主持:河北省文化艺术科学规划和旅游研究项目 (HB24-QN004),2024年,“新质生产力视角下“生成式人工智能”赋能河北省旅游业发展机制研究”。 2.主持:中央高校基本科研业务费专项(ZY20250206),2024年,5万。 期刊论文: [1]Zhang, J*., Quoquab, F., Mohammad, J., (2024). Metaverse tourism and Gen-Z and Gen-Y’s motivation: “will you, or won’t you travel virtually?” Tourism Review 79, 304–320. (ESI高被引*,中科院二区TOP,SSCI Q1, IF:7.8, 一作+通讯,ABS1) [2]Zhang, J*., Quoquab, F. and Mohammad, J. (2025), “Do video game players dream of metaverse traveling?” The role of gamification technology and game immersion experience” Tourism Review ahead-of-print. (中科院二区TOP,SSCI Q1, IF:7.3, 一作+通讯,ABS1) [3]Zhang, J*., Quoquab, F., Mohammad, J., (2023). The role of pandemic risk communication and perception on pro-environmental travel behavioral intention: Findings from PLS-SEM and fsQCA. Journal of Cleaner Production 139506. (中科院一区TOP,SCI Q1, IF:11.1,一作+通讯,ABS2,) [4]Zhang, J*., Quoquab, F. and Mohammad, J. (2024), “Embracing the new reality: Gen Y’s intention to use metaverse apps and devices”, Current Psychology, doi: 10.1007/s12144-024-07160-5. (中科院三区,SSCI Q2, IF:2.5,一作+通讯,ABS1) [5]Zhang, J*., Quoquab, F. and Mohammad, J. (2024), “The pro-environmental travel behaviour intention in the post-pandemic era: the role of risk communication, risk perception and environmental concerns”, Journal of Risk Research, Routledge, Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 274–294, (ABS2, SSCI Q1, IF:5.1, 一作+通讯) [6]Zhang, J*., Liu, Z., 2023. The role of science fiction perception on innovator: integrating the theory of planned behavior and social support network theory. Kybernetes ahead-of-print. (ABS1, SCI Q2, IF:2.5,一作+通讯) [7]Zhang, J*., Quoquab, F., Mohammad, J., 2023. What Do We Know About Plastic Pollution in Coastal/Marine Tourism? Documenting Its Present Research Status from 1999 to 2022. SAGE Open 13, 21582440231211706. (SSCI Q2,IF:2, 一作+通讯) [8]Zhang, Y., Quoquab, F., Zhang, J*. and Mohammad, J. (2024), “What does it take to drive young consumers to purchase green food? Perceived usefulness, environmental problem, or fear of pandemic recurrence?”, Cogent Food & Agriculture, Cogent, Vol. 10 No. 1, p. 2413917. (SCI Q2, IF:1.7 通讯作者) [9]Zhang, J., Quoquab, F., (2023). Metaverse in the urban destinations in China: some insights for the tourism players. International Journal of Tourism Cities 9, 1016–1024. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-04-2023-0062 (中科院三区,ESCI, IF;3.0,一作) [10]Zhang, J*., Quoquab, F., (2022). Documenting the knowledge of pro-environmental travel behaviour research: a visual analysis using CiteSpace. Journal of Tourism Futures ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JTF-03-2022-0101(中科院三区, ESCI, IF:6.7,一作+通讯) [11]Zhang, J*., Quoquab, F. and Mohammad, J. (2024), “Plastic and sustainability: a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer and CiteSpace”, Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 42 No. 1, pp. 44–67, doi: 10.1108/AGJSR-10-2022-0225. (Scopus,一作+通讯) [12]黄漪澜 和 张家乐. (2022), “基于CiteSpace的非裔未来主义研究与热点分析”, 上海理工大学学报(社会科学版), Vol. 44 No. 03, pp. 272–279, doi: 10.13256/j.cnki.jusst.sse.2022.03.010.(AMI核心) [13]Zongyuan, L., A/L Mahinder Singh, H.S. and Jiale, Z. (2025), “Is Organizational Agility a Missing Link between the Innovation Capabilities-Firm Performance Relationship? Evidence from Manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia”, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 15 No. 1, p. Pages 486-500, doi: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v15-i1/24210. (ERA) [14]Zongyuan, L., Singh, H.S.A.M. and Jiale, Z. (2025), “Exploring the Impact of Employee Competencies on Firm Performance in Manufacturing SMEs in Malaysia: A Dynamic Capabilities View”, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 15 No. 1, pp. 470–485. (ERA) 报纸&杂志&书章: [1]Zhang, J*., Quoquab, F., 2023. Plastic Pollution in the Tourism Sector: Documenting Its Present Research Status, in: Crowther, D., Quoquab, F. (Eds.), Socially Responsible Plastic, Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility. (Scopus) [2]张家乐*,徐丹,初维峰.(2021),“科幻为经济增长注入新活力”,科普时报,2021.10.15. [3]Zhang Jiale* and Farzana Quoquab. 25 December, 2022. The ‘Metaverse Tourism’: A New Way of Sustainable Tourism. AHIBS BizConnection. Issue 4. [4]张家乐*,姚利芬.(2021), "在科幻与科技创新之间:阅读科学书籍、参加科技会议、成为科研机构的驻场作家——加拿大“科幻之父”罗伯特·索耶专访",《世界科幻动态年刊2021》 中国科幻研究中心主编, 中国科学技术出版社 [5]张家乐*,初维峰.(2021), "科幻与科技创新:相互促进的联系与美国活跃的民间科幻文化——科幻作家北星专访",《世界科幻动态年刊2021》 中国科幻研究中心主编,中国科学技术出版社 会议: 1.Zhang Jiale, Farzana Quoquab, and Jihad Mohammad. 2022. A Bibliometric Analysis of Plastic Pollution in the Tourism Industry. Paper presented at the Macromarketing Global Conference (Hybrid platform). 20 – 24 June, 202 2..黄漪澜,张家乐;基于CiteSpace的非裔未来主义研究与热点分析. 2021.首届“科幻研究新星”论坛,(Oral presentation,获二等奖;由中国科幻研究中心、四川大学中国科幻研究院、《科普创作评论》杂志主办) 担任以下期刊审稿人: Technovation International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Education and information technologies Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology Tourism Review Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Journal of Knowledge Economy Journal of Global Responsibility Current psychologyS 文艺作品 文艺作品散见于《科幻世界》《科幻世界·少年版》《中国青年作家报》《西部》等杂志、报纸,并被《2020中国年度科幻小说》《2019中国年度科幻小说》《科幻世界精选集2019》《银河少年丛书》《中国青少年科幻分级读物(中学卷)》等收录。代表作《城与飞鸟》(科幻世界2019年05期)。 |