教科研成果: 近年主持或参加教科研项目: 河北省教育厅河北省高校科研项目 创新基层社会治理模式探究——基于社区社会组织孵化的视角. 参与人(第2) 2018.4-2019.3 论文: 1. "How do leaders' positive emotions improve followers' person–job fit in China? The effects of organizational identification and psychological safety", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 2020,Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. 2.美国防范内部威胁的信息安全管理实践及启示[J]. 情报杂志,2020,39(8):29-33. (CSSCI) 3. Does Leaders’ Positive Emotion Increase Followers’ Person-Job Fit: A Cross-level Moderated Mediation Model. 2019 International Conference on Economic Management and Model Engineering, 2019. (EI) 4. Performance Evaluation of Urban Management Government’s Public Service: Based on the Data of Beijing Government Performance Survey. ICTETS 2019. (EI) 5. The Influence of the Corporate Executive Self-Monitoring Personality on the Characteristics of the Inter-Organizational Social Network. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research (76):98-101, 2019/02. (CPCI-SSH) 6.组织中的自我监控研究,中国劳动,2016,10:71-76. 7. 消费者自我一致性和品牌情感依恋:现实-理想自我差异的调节作用.消费经济,2014,30(3):48-54. (核心) 8. 消费者自我一致认知过程中的心理偏差——基于巴纳姆效应的实证分析. 消费经济,2014,30(1):58-62.(核心)
著作: 组织中的变色龙——销售人员工作倦怠影响机制研究[M].北京出版集团北京出版社.2017.08. |